Monday, September 22, 2008

Korean Visitors

19 September 2008

South Korean Visitors come to Kelana Jaya Park

As part of a fact-finding trip, members of the Environmental Education Network of South Korea will visit Kelana Jaya Park on Sunday, 21 September 2008.
The visitors have included Kelana Jaya Park in their itinerary to learn how, in a Malaysian township, community participation is being encouraged to help rehabilitate the lakes in the park.

Community participation in this instance is being fostered mainly by Friends of Kelana Jaya Park, a club which comprises a multiethnic group of residents living in areas adjacent to the park.

Members of Friends of Kelana Jaya Park and staff of Global Environmental Control will host the visitors at 2:15 pm on Sunday, 21 September 2008 at the Landscape Department of MBPJ in Kelana Jaya. A short formal presentation will be followed by a tour of the park. About nine visitors from South Korea are expected to be present.

While Friends of Kelana Jaya Park has hosted visits in the past, this is the first time the club is welcoming international visitors to the park.

James T. Cherian
Asst. Secretary,
Friends of Kelana Jaya Park

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.